running, #fatmanrunning

It' s been a while since my last post.

Then again, blogs are so 2005, right? Or is it?!

Anyway, I've been running for a while now, some two or three years now, or, in other words, long before my last blog post.
But I'm not doing it for bragging or showing off how fit I am, no, I'm doing it because I don't want to ever be so fat as I've been lately, and now that I've been running for a while, I've seen some real results - much better immune system, much less illness, more everyday energy, more overall physical power, and also getting rid of everyday stress from job. Fight against fat is a constant struggle, so, that is ongoing still, but also, when regularity reigns, results can be seen and felt.
What's interesting with me running is that I do it all year long and, as I live in Latvia - best country in the world, I encounter +30C degrees in summer and -25C degrees in winter. So far my record temperatures are +25 in summer and -17 in winter.
I also have this rule that hasn't been yet broken - if I decide to go for a run, nothing's stopping me, and I've done storms, rain showers, snowstorms, icy weather(I see it as additional workout opportunity), as well as hottest heat.
Other thing is, I usually do it late nights, that's mathematically best time for all, as whole family is asleep and I have free time.

In 2019 I've set myself a new year's resolution, contrary to common neglect to new year's resolutions this year, seems that everyone is announcing NOT to take any resolutions this year.

My resolution is simple, so it seems - to run at least two times a week in year 2019. And I've not failed yet, and January is almost over! :) Some say january is the critical month when most new year's resolutions fail...

So, go check out my instagram account and follow me and keep me on track with each of the runs of the new year's resolution - challenge, as I'm registering each of the runs with a photo and a short comment(usually witty one).

My usual hashtag - #fatmanrunning .

In the next post coming real soon I'm going to introduce you to my gear, the stuff I, non-professional sportsman, use to run and have found convenient and decent.
